- Acting in the capacity of Client’s representative throughout the Project.
- Assisting Client on pre-qualifying and selecting consultants for the project.
- Assisting Client in determining their requirements in terms of time, cost, function, aesthetics, operation and maintenance on completion.
- Developing, monitoring and maintaining a master programme of the project throughout the project period.
- Establishing and implementing effective management procedures for administration of the Project.
- Monitoring and reporting on construction progress and targeted completion dates and checking that the construction works are carried out in accordance with the specification, performance criteria and quality control procedures.
- Monitoring the settlement of contractual disputes, recommending the most appropriate course of action for dispute avoidance, where possible, and resolving these to the best interests of Clients.
- Inspecting the completed works to check for compliance with the contract documents prior to issuance of the Completion Certificate.
- Liaising with the Contractor on commissioning and testing programmes and arranging handover to the Client after operational tests and full commissioning services have been satisfactorily completed.
- Inspecting the remedial works carried out on defects during and at the end of the defects liability period prior to issuance of the Certificate of Making Good of Defects.
Utamacon Management Services (B) Sdn Bhd (UMSSB) core business is to provide professional project management consultancy services to its clients. These services includes:
• Planning
• Feasibility study
• Concept design
• Tender documentation, analysis and recommendation
• Project management
• Site supervision
• Project closure and handing over
• Local consultancy services for specialised projects that are in collaboration with other. i.e. petrochemical plants, etc